freiberufler Innovation & Change Coach/Consultant with Sustainability and Resilience Interest auf

Innovation & Change Coach/Consultant with Sustainability and Resilience Interest

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  • auf Anfrage
  • 45205 Sydkoster
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  • 22.05.2024


Supporting your transformation or innovation project/teams as a companion via Coaching or strategy development and implementation. Specializing in the intersection between sustainability, cultural change, and resilience.


  • Change Management
  • Corporate Culture
  • Projektmanagement
  • Projektmanagementberatung
  • Psychotherapie
  • Schulung / Coaching (allg.)
  • Stakeholder-Analyse
  • Unternehmensberatung

Projekt‐ & Berufserfahrung

Reverse mentoring & Sparring
Reon AG, Lilienthal
6/2024 – offen (1 Monat)
High-Tech- und Elektroindustrie

6/2024 – offen


Reverse mentoring und Sparring für einen Unternehmer mit mehreren Unternehmen:

- alternative(/unkonventionelle?) Sichtweise eines jungen Menschen: wie schaue ich auf die (Unternehmens-)Welt nach 3 Jahren auf einem Segelboot in Schweden - Gesellschaft und Unternehmertum im Wandel?
- radikale Ehrlichkeit und/oder Reflektionsraum
- eingefahrene Denkweisen von außen aufrütteln: begleiten täglicher Entscheidungen mit alternativer, äußerer SIchtweise

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Change Management

EU Project Consultant Governance & Resilience
University West (Högskolan Väst), Trollhättan
2/2023 – offen (1 Jahr, 5 Monate)
Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen

2/2023 – offen


Project Strategy, Stakeholder Management, Cultural Strategy

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Projektmanagement, Projektmanagementberatung, Stakeholder-Analyse, Corporate Culture

Coach & Consultant for Team Resilience and Organisational Development
Startup Flexality GmbH, Bremen
10/2022 – offen (1 Jahr, 9 Monate)
IT & Entwicklung

10/2022 – offen


Coaching & Consulting for team resilience and Organisational Development

Eingesetzte Qualifikationen

Schulung / Coaching (allg.), Unternehmensberatung


Nature Therapist (Exist.)
Schule für existenzialpsychologische Therapie und Naturtherapie
Bsc Industrial Engineering & Management
Bachelor of Science
FH Nordakademie

Über mich

I enjoy supporting teams and projects in change and innovation processes. In these contexts, I can combine my strong analytical skills with an interest in psychology as well as cultural and organizational change. I flourish in a variety of working modes ranging from strategy development and implementation processes to coaching, moderating conflicts or even counseling. My main interest area is the intersection between sustainability, cultural change, and resilience while combining fundamental principles with hands-on, down-to-earth roadmaps. I have experience with working
in/with corporates, startups, universities, governmental organizations as well as European Interreg projects.

Weitere Kenntnisse

Key Points: B Corp Consultant, Gerald Hüther mentoring, Theory U Presencing Institute (MIT), Inner Development goals, Founder, Therapist, Coach

2023: “Rebuilding a living culture” seminarseries, A School Called Home
2023: “Work in the ruins“ seminarseries, A School Called Home
2022: Co-Founder Entprereneurship & Resilience Center Koster Islands
2022: Inner Development Goals Facilitator
Since 2022: EU Interreg Project “FREIIA” with a focus on governance for innovation and resilience
2021: Presencing & Resilience Hub host, Koster Islands (via Presencing Institute at MIT)
2021: B Corp Consultant (B Leader Training)
2021: Outward Mindset Training, Arbinger Institute
2020: Co-Lead “Well-being and Skills in operative Procurement” project, Airbus Operations GmbH
Since 2020: Nature Therapist (Exist.) i.A., Schule für existenzialpsychologische Therapie und Naturtherapie
Since 2019: Social Entrepreneurship Netzwerk Deutschland e.V. Member
2019: Co-Founder of Social Entrepreneurship project “Street&Sole”
2019: 12-month Business development training (“Success Partners”), Global Grit Institutes
2019: Search Inside Yourself Training, Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute
Since 2018: Several years of mentoring by the leading neurobiologist and founder of the Academy for Potential Development Gerald Hüther
Since 2018: Freelancer in Coaching & Consulting
seit 2018: Akademie für Potentialentfaltung e.G. Member
2018: Infinite Possibilities certified trainer,
2018: Theory U u.Lab 1x training 2018 and 2020

Persönliche Daten

  • Deutsch (Muttersprache)
  • Englisch (Fließend)
  • Schwedisch (Fließend)
auf Anfrage
  • Europäische Union
8 Jahre und 10 Monate (seit 08/2015)


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